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Marketing EMail: Newsletter with Charts

Posted on by 67

Hello Community,

we send a monthly Newsletter to our customers where we show some charts how the Market developed the last month. The base-data for these charts is in excel.  At the moment we create a Chart, save it as image and send it in our ^Newsletter to our customers.

Question: is it possible to have a chart dynamicaly load/ generate into a marketing e-mail in dynamics marketing? 

Thanks for any advice to optimize our process genarting this email

  • Oseirf Profile Picture
    Oseirf 67 on at
    RE: Marketing EMail: Newsletter with Charts

    Thanks for your ideas and suggestions. I opend an Idea for this.

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,198 on at
    RE: Marketing EMail: Newsletter with Charts

    Hi Oseirf,

    Agree with Preeti, because many of HTML chart requires javascript, while javascript will be blocked by most of email service providers due to security reason.

    My thought is that you could host your chart on a web page such as on Portal, then embed a button in marketing email and attach a link to chart page,

    add dynamic content in link URL as parameter, it's supported.


    When recipient clicks the button, he'll be navigated to chart page:,

    thus you can query parameter from URL and show personalized chart.




  • Suggested answer
    Preeti Rana Profile Picture
    Preeti Rana on at
    RE: Marketing EMail: Newsletter with Charts

    Hi Oseirf,

    Unfortunately the current offering does not support dynamic insertion of charts. This is a great suggestion for the product team to consider. Can I request you to add it to our IDEAS website here: ?


    Preeti Rana 

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