Hi all,
I've insert an image for a record as an external notes (using docuRef, where docuType = File).
Now, I've to display the image (saved as .bmp) into a report.
Into the report I've added a display method (that returns Bitmap) like:
DocuRef docuRef;
FileName fileName;
Image image;
container imageCont;
Bitmap ret;
select docuRef where
docuRef.RefTableId == tableId &&
docuRef.RefRecId == recId &&
docuRef.TypeId == 'FILE';
fileName = docuRef.completeFilename();
if (Image::canLoad(fileName))
image = new Image();
imageCont = conIns(imageCont, 1, image.getData());
ret = conpeek(imageCont, 1);
return ret;
} //---- end-if image
The select statement find out the filePath, the image load the fileName, the container returns a value into ret.... but nothing is displayed in my report!!!
Can someone help me to understand why? Have someone any suggestion?
Thanks to all
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