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Item Stock Inquiry begins to vary with transactions

Posted on by 75,730

This is a follow up on a previous question. We have been puzzled with the Item Stock Inquiry screen. Items have multiple U/Ms. The problem is the conversion. The base U/M is POUND with a conversion factor of 1. An item can have 4 other U/M's with varying conversion factors. The problem is once new transactions are entered when we select to view other U/Ms the quantities no longer match between the IV00102 and the transactions. Now what I have done is remove all inventory transactions. I then confirm the U/M schedule and then I import the transactions back into GP. At that moment all U/M quantities match and all is well. As soon as they start entering new transactions the differences reappear. They are using the project accounting module. Both U/M schedules match. As an example:

Item 1 : Gallon  and Box of 4. Total Stock is 0.250 GALLONS and 0.062 Box Of 4(0.250/4.00=0.062)

Item 2 : Pound and Drum, Total stock is 1,174.46 Pounds and 2.352 Drums(1,176.46/500=2.352)

These numbers makes sense. What does not make sense are the numbers in the grid. As long as the conversion factor is 1, the quantity for balance equals the total stock on the last transaction line. For all other U/Ms the balance quantities make no sense some of them even go negative.  What could be causing this? What am I missing?

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: Item Stock Inquiry begins to vary with transactions

    Becky, as I said after I do a complete reset all U/Ms are in agreement. Then they start processing and the differences appear. The math for for Total Stock is always correct it is the transactions that make no sense.


  • RE: Item Stock Inquiry begins to vary with transactions

    Hello Richard,

    Can you send me a screenshot of what you are seeing and tell me if the values are right when you display it by base UofM?


  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: Item Stock Inquiry begins to vary with transactions

    Becky, the problem is if I change the Display U/M the numbers no longer agree. Please remember I have done a complete IV reset and imported transactions. Immediately after doing that all is fine. Two weeks later after entering transactions normally now the numbers are off.

  • RE: Item Stock Inquiry begins to vary with transactions

    Hello Richard,

    The window is going to all quantities in the base unit of measure. In this case it would be a pound. If  I bring an item one case of the item, and there are 10 eachs in a case, the Item Stock Inquiry window will display 10 and not 1. 

    Please take a screen shot of were the window is not identifying the item in the base unit of measure.


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