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Human Resources forum

Sickness absence (Illness reporting)

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Does anybody know how we can review and analyse sickness absence and report on absence in Talent.  In previous HR systems, we have been able to create absence triggers and\or use the Bradford Factor to manage sickness\illness.

There doesn't appear to be the functionality for this within Talent?

Can anybody offer advice?


  • PawanD Profile Picture
    PawanD 457 on at
    RE: Sickness absence (Illness reporting)

    Thanks Nicu.

    I got the later part.

    But when the minimum balance is set to only -40, every year its not getting renewed.

    Ex: I have tested by enrolling a worker into sickness on 1/4/2018 >> Have submitted 35 days request before 31/3/2019 >> Ran the batch job on 1/4/2019 >> Tried to submit 6 days, system threw error >> Submitted for 5 days, allowed >> Try to submit for 1 day, threw error.

    So I think setting min balance to only -40 is like allowing the worker to consume 40 at any point of time.



  • Suggested answer
    Nicu Aleman Profile Picture
    Nicu Aleman 2,587 on at
    RE: Sickness absence (Illness reporting)

    Hi Pawan,

    every year this bucket of -40 hours will be renewed. If the customer allows more than 40 hours, they should put there more than -40 hours.

    Or, the way I would do it now, is put 40 hours in the accrual amount and a minimum of -40 hours. this means a total of 80 hours. on the other hand they will see they are entitled to take 40 hours, but they will not see that they can go as far as -40, if you get what I mean.



    read my talent blog:

  • PawanD Profile Picture
    PawanD 457 on at
    RE: Sickness absence (Illness reporting)

    Hi Nic,

    What if the customer wants to provide -40 every year? As per above, once 40 are consumed, system will not allow any request thereafter.

  • Suggested answer
    Nicu Aleman Profile Picture
    Nicu Aleman 2,587 on at
    RE: Sickness absence (Illness reporting)

    Hi there,

    a better way is to setup this plan with zero accrual amount but with a minimum balance with negative value. This way you make sure they don't see the number of days they are allowed to take, but you still allow it a certain amount (here you can be flexible - 5 day/year, 10 days/year etc.

    please see my screen below




    read my blog:

  • Suggested answer
    Malinm85 Profile Picture
    Malinm85 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Sickness absence (Illness reporting)

    Hi Charlotte,

    You could set up with 365 days of Sickness and Leave. then you don't have to worry about the limitation.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Sickness absence (Illness reporting)

    Hi Nicu

    One of the problems that I can foresee with this is that you have to assign a certain number of days to each Leave and Absence Plan, do you know of any way of getting around this for things like Sickness, Compassionate Leave etc. where individuals do not have an 'entitlement' in the traditional way?



  • Suggested answer
    Nicu Aleman Profile Picture
    Nicu Aleman 2,587 on at
    RE: Sickness absence (Illness reporting)


    You need to create a Leave and Absence Plan, called Sickness/Illness and then enrol all employees into it. The employees would be able to take Sick Leaves. Then, in the Leave and Absence module, go to Analytics -> Current Balance Analysis sheet, and you will find the report for all types of absences. You could make additional reports using Power Bi if this is not enough.

    let me know if this helps.



    read my blog:

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