I would like to know how can we differentiate between a cancelled vendor packing slip and a normal vendor packing slip. I have a requirement where I will need this.
Differentiate between a cancelled vendor packing slip and a normal vendor packing slip
Hi Jason,
From the functional side, I can only see that the cancelled receipts still have the lines, but the Received quantity is zero. You can check the X++ logic applied to enabling the Cancel button if there is another option to recognize it. So far, I can't see another status field on the product receipt tables.
Differentiate between a cancelled vendor packing slip and a normal vendor packing slip
I would like to know technically how could I differentiate between a VendPackingSlipJour that has been cancelled and a usual VendPackingSlipJour.
Differentiate between a cancelled vendor packing slip and a normal vendor packing slip
You can refer to this official documentation: Pack containers for shipment - Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn. The container packing process lets you validate inventory items and pack them into containers. During this process, warehouse workers typically pick inventory items from bulk storage areas and move them to a packing area. There, multiple warehouse workers check the item quantities and types, and assign them to appropriate container sizes. When a container is fully packed, it's closed and moved to the outbound dock area, where it's made ready for shipment.
Best regards,
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