Hi All
Anyone worked on "CONSUME" type Production based Scenario. (Tried 2 following wayouts)
Ist wayout:
I have long projects and i setup All Production based activities along with Material (BOM material and route) in WBS and create Budget against it. (Note there is no FG mentioned)
Budget links to Activity as well as Category.
Then i create Item requiement for FInished good only which i need to produce through Manufacturing (in which all items and categoris above mentioned shall use), and Explode and Create Production Order and related Purchase orders.
1- Item requirement if created from WBS will have all items and then if i add FG and explode/run MRP, it looks at double requirements (as meterial is also in Bom and also in requirement form).
2- Purchase order created from explosion/MRP doesn't have Project link. So i can't track procurement for Project.
3- (BIGGEST PROBLEM) All Production BOM and Route items are attached to same ACTIVITY (WBS based), which was mentioned on FG item line in item requirement (as actvity and Category are must to mention for Production BOM and Route for consume based). Although i can change categories and Activities manually and then posting from production goes correct, but On estimation MY BUDGET OVERRUNS FOR PROJECT FG cost (hence i cant use Project budgeting).
2nd wayout:
Other things being same as explained above, i change WBS to not mention any Production related BOM item or Route time etc. I just create one scheduling activity to mention whole production time and underneath i attach FG item with cost. Then do same for item requirment MRP etc,.
MRP requirement calculations are correct now.
1- Purchase still not linked to Project
2- Cant use Project Budgeting because there is no Route categories in WBS which i need to use in Production. And i also cannot map the Categories too now due to same reason.
How to map Project based Production Correctly alongwith Budget Control. As shopfloor is also must.
I cant use only Project because it doesnt support shopfloor and also Scheduling MAchines, Rescheduling, Quality etc.