Doing the Trial of Field services and I am very confused.
We have a bunch of vending machines that we lease out for special events or for long terms to specific customers.
I need the ability to show these machines on the schedule board, I assumed it was all listed as equipment.
But I also like the ability of creating the machines as inventory so I can store all the parts and versions and manuals as part of the inventory item.
I am assuming there must be a process to take the items out of inventory and make them part of a customers asset list and eventually one day connect it to IOT services.
How do I get from a product in inventory - to account asset - to show this on the schedule board.
I assume if we get the item from inventory to a customer asset (missing how to do this).
Then we can create an agreement and service/fill the vending machines as needed).
I need to show it on the schedule board so sales knows when there are machines available to lease to new customers.
I assume this is a standard function.
What am I missing?