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Case management workflows - return to initiator or on previous step

Posted on by 845

Hi All,

i wish to use Case management workflow to adjust process for POs

1) Accountant creates Case for Purchase order to ask Warehouse specialist to do something with PO: get paper documents from vendor / fix issues in paper documents / Fix error in PO line and so on. Accountant sends Case to workflow - this allow to track actions.

2) Warehouse specialist gets Workflow work item and may do some job or reject work item as there is no error or task is not his area of responsibility

3) Accountant should get work item to approve Warehouse specialist work or approve what there is not the case. If it's still the case then again create task for step (2)

While setting up workflow i tried manual decision on step (3) and tried connect one of decision line to step (2) but workflow says what it's not allowed to cycle workflow.

how i may create cycle between steps (2) <-> (3)? 

  • Verified answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Case management workflows - return to initiator or on previous step

    Hello Maxim msk,

    So you mean, if the warehouse specialist made a mistake in his decision then you want to route it back to him, right?

    Well, one option would be to recall the workflow and start it all over again.

    The other option would be to create a new step where somebody would control whether the selection of the warehouse specialist was right or wrong. Based on that decision, you could include another conditional decision (no feedback to the first one but second conditional decision) and then route it again to the accountant. Yet, this would make things complex and how many checks do you want to include? Rather than doing that, I would rather go for the recall option. Might be painful at the beginning but people hopefully learn over time and improve their decision making.

    Best regards,


  • Maxim_msk Profile Picture
    Maxim_msk 845 on at
    RE: Case management workflows - return to initiator or on previous step

    Hi Ludwig,

    >I would expect that there is a workflow item task that is assigned to the warehouse specialist.

    actually block "Fixed" is manual decision on warehouse specialist and he tells us did he "Fixed" or tells us it's "Not my error".

    And i don't know how i may refuse his result and return item to him or agree what it wasn't his area and send item to Workflow initiator

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Case management workflows - return to initiator or on previous step

    Good morning Maxim msk,

    Many thanks for the screenprint.

    Further above you mentioned that... Warehouse specialist gets Workflow work item and may do some job or reject work item as there is no error or task is not his area of responsibility

    Based on that statement, I would expect that there is a workflow item task that is assigned to the warehouse specialist.

    You have a conditional decision element included but this element does not allow you to specify whether the job of the warehouse specialist has been completed or not.

    Can't you simply add an additional task in your left branch that get's assigned to the warehouse specialist?

    If the warehouse specialist completed his task then the next step would go to the accountant (complete case). That's what you already have in your workflow.

    Best regards,


  • Maxim_msk Profile Picture
    Maxim_msk 845 on at
    RE: Case management workflows - return to initiator or on previous step

    Hi Ludwig,

    this is what i set up now:

    Manual task (Fixed) for Warehouse specialist with decisions (1) Fixed (2) Not my error,

    Complete case - step for accountant.


    Actually i can't do setup like accountant could return Case to Warehouse spec. The only action on Complete case is to complete with one of two decisions in field Case resolution - Accept / Reject.

    Also i can't Reject on Warehouse spec step so Account could Resubmit Case.

  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Case management workflows - return to initiator or on previous step


    Can you share some screen prints how you setup your workflow steps?

    Many thanks,


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