RE: WIP calcuation during the estimation of the project
Hi nsarswat,
There are ISV solutions available in the market that make use of different forecast models to calculate the earned value. They don't rely on the estimate process but only use these models somehow for their calculations.
Another thing that I have seen is that companies twist the accounting setup and post the fixed on-account milestones as revenues. The estimates that usually post the accrued revenue are then posted on balance sheet (dummy) accounts and don't affect the profit at all. They often post the costs in full and have the milestone revenue against it to make a cost-revenue comparison. This is, however, a completely different approach from what the standard was originally designed for and you have to see if this works out for you.
You can also play around with the POC calculation and the setup of your accounts to achieve other solutions. They are, however, only a kind of workaround.
A final option that comes to my mind is the project cube, which allows a graphical analysis of the current earned value. The disadvantage with this option is that there is no history and that you can check the earned value only as of the time the report is processed.
Overall, the option that you are looking for is not available and you can think about workarounds or purchasing 3rd party addons.
Best regards,