Hi everyone,
I often receive the request to give the user an organised set of data to be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.
The quickest way to do this is making a query (with ranges, grouping and whatever..) and use it as datasource in a view. Then I export the data from the view to Excel and i give the spreadsheet to the user. But all this word is always on my desk and I have to work on the AOT each time...
I would like to find a way to give the user the facility to open this interrogation straight from a menu, change the query by his needs (even adding tables to the query that populates the result if possible) and then launch it to get a form grid filled with data ready to be exported to Excel.
I would use a RunBaseBatch class with a query object:
-User sets up the query and clicks OK on the class prompt dialog
-The run method of the class populates a table "MyTable" with data (one field of the table identifies the user who has launched the class, so concurrent runs are managed)
-The class eventually opens a form which has "MyTable" table as datasource.
Now my questions are:
Is there some standard class or form which does this job in a similar way?
The SQL group by clause is managed correctly or there is some exception I should be aware of before starting?
Thank you in advance for the patience to read all this.
I hope you can give me some hints about this.
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