I agree with Martin. There is no point in looking for print button events because the report will be generated before printing, and you cannot change the values in the report after its generated.
You can include the time when the reported was generated. Note that it can be sent to printer later and the time of sending to printer (and also the time of the actual printing) may be different.
For example, you generate a PDF for a preview on screen, but send it to a physical printer a few minutes later, where it may be waiting for some time before the printer becomes available. Printing the document on a physical printer doesn't change its contents.
Also, I saw this expression online, not sure if it will work though: ="Printed Time: " & Format(Globals!ExecutionTime, "HH:mm:ss")
Please let us know if any of those were helpful.
Thanks, Layan Jweihan Please mark this answer as "Verified" if it solved your issue. In order to help others who will face a similar issue in the future
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