Is it possible to update 2013 with the new 1099 form?
Is it possible to update 2013 with the new 1099 form?
Hello Deanne,
As noted in our documentation, the only GP versions that will get the form are 2016 and 18.3:
Microsoft Dynamics GP Year-End Update 2020: Payables Management form changes including the NEW 1099-NEC!! - Microsoft Dynamics GP Community
You will want to upgrade to use the new form, or use a third party solution.
Updating the tables is not going to allow you to print the new form.
Hopefully this will work
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[PM40104]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
update PM40104
set TEN99BOXTEXT = 9 , DOLRAMNT = 600
where TEN99TYPE = 3 and TEN99BOXTEXT = '8'
update PM40104
set TEN99BOXTEXT = 8 , DOLRAMNT = 10.00000
where TEN99TYPE = 3 and TEN99BOXTEXT = '7'
update PM40104
set TEN99BOXTEXT = 10, DOLRAMNT = 0.01000
where TEN99TYPE = 3 and TEN99BOXTEXT = '10'
update PM40104
set TEN99BOXTEXT = 12 ,DOLRAMNT = 600
where TEN99TYPE = 3 and TEN99BOXTEXT = '13'
update PM40104
set TEN99BOXTEXT = 13 , DOLRAMNT = 0.01000
where TEN99TYPE = 3 and TEN99BOXTEXT = '14'
update PM40104
set TEN99BOXTEXT = 14, DOLRAMNT = 0.01000
where TEN99TYPE = 3 and TEN99BOXTEXT = '15a '
update PM40104
set TEN99BOXTEXT = 15 , DOLRAMNT = 0.01000
where TEN99TYPE = 3 and TEN99BOXTEXT = '15b '
update PM40104
set TEN99BOXTEXT = 17 , DOLRAMNT = 0.01000
where TEN99TYPE = 3 and TEN99BOXTEXT = '16'
delete from PM40104
where TEN99TYPE = 3 and TEN99BOXNUMBER = 15 and TEN99BOXTEXT = '18'
If not exists(select * from PM40104 where TEN99TYPE = 4)
insert PM40104 values (4, '1', 1,' ',600)
insert PM40104 values (4, '2', 4,' ',0.01000)
insert PM40104 values (4, '3', 5,' ',0.01000)
insert PM40104 values (4, '4', 7,' ',0.01000)
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