I am new to dynamics. I want to reactivate the business process flow if I reactivate the case. Can this be achieved?
I am new to dynamics. I want to reactivate the business process flow if I reactivate the case. Can this be achieved?
I tell you how I archieved this in my case. First of all, I created an optionset field. The options what I needed were "Reopened" and "Finished". Secondly, I made a workflow that switch this field to "Finished" when the status of the case is not active and switch to "Reopened" when is status is again active. Now in a JavaScript, firstly, I validated if the case is "Reopened" and the status process is finished, I switched the business process flow status to active. I got it with formContext.data.process.setStatus("active"). This is what reactivates the business process flow. I found it in this page https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dynamicscrm-2016/developers-guide/dn817878(v=crm.8)?redirectedfrom=MSDN#setstatus
Hope this helps you!
Thank you Mustafa,
I do not want to click Reactivate case and Reactivate process. This will make 2 event. I just want to click on reactivate case and using some javascript or workflow I want to activate the process as well. Can it be done?
Hi Rupesh,
Yes, you can reactivate the BPF once the record is in Active state. On the command bar, you will see a "Process" flyout button under which you will see the "Reactivate" button.
I am sharing some documents which talks about BPF overview.
Thank you,
Mustafa Sabir
Support Engineer - Microsoft Dynamics CE
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