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GP Integration Manager - figuring out DOC error

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I'm working with a client on a basic Receivables Transaction integration.  We're using text files for our source records - a Header file and a Detail file.  Both files contain Document Number as a column.  We have Sorted both source files by Document Number.

When the integration runs, we'll see an occasional error, like "DOC 20 ERROR - Lowercase characters were found in PO Number field".  This record shows as failed to integrate.

Is there an easy way to determine what record in the file equates to DOC 20?

Typically their import file will contain between 100 - 300 transactions a day.  It doesn't appear the Sort by Document number is related to the error as we looked at the file and found the issue with a document which was approximately line 50 in the file list.

Best Regards - Ron


  • Suggested answer
    Lisa at Profile Picture
    Lisa at 597 on at
    RE: GP Integration Manager - figuring out DOC error

    Users generally prefer UseOptimizedFiltering=False as that puts some logic into how the data is sorted.

    if you had UseOptimizedFiltering=False when you did the import, the 20th record may not match any order in your source file.  If you look at the order the 127 successfully imported transactions are brought into the system, it may give you a clue of the logic that made the 50th record get staged as the 20th ...

    Also, depending on what you are importing (header? line?) you may have many lines to a single document number.  (For example, multiple distribution lines for a single AP voucher, or multiple line items for a Purchase Order.)

    But, again, it doesn't really matter since the error gives you the answer to what was the problem.  

    Congratulations on getting the error resolved!

  • Ron Alexander Profile Picture
    Ron Alexander 191 on at
    RE: GP Integration Manager - figuring out DOC error

    Thanks for the information Lisa.  I was able to change the Field Setting to convert to all uppercase.

    We have the Source Files sorted by Doc Number.  When I look at the 20th record in the file, by Doc Number, it's not the record with the lowercase error.  The error record is about the 50th record in the file.

    I've tried changing this Integration.INI setting from True to False (and back)


    It doesn't seem to make a difference in the correlation between the DOC ERROR and the record in the file.  Is there another .INI Setting I should change for sorting?

    Best Regards - Ron

  • Suggested answer
    Lisa at Profile Picture
    Lisa at 597 on at
    RE: GP Integration Manager - figuring out DOC error

    Regarding the question about DOC 20, it should be the twentieth record based on how the source file is being sorted and what your IM.INI filter setting is.  (But based on the error In the destination mapping, it should be easy to find:  It is the document with lowercase characters in the column mapped to PO Number!  And the one that didn't make it into GP.)

    Regarding the error, you can set the destination field in Integration Manager to convert the field to uppercase.

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