RE: AX 2012 - MS Dynamics AX object server 6.2 SERVICE does not startup automatically
we call this a dependancy
1. Open the registry editor:
Start -> Run -> regedit
2. Navigate to the specific service you are trying to delay:
3. If there is a “DependOnService” value, simply modify it and add the service you want to start before the one you are editing in the registry.
If no “DependOnService” value exists create one:
Right click service name -> New -> Multi-string value
Enter the name DependOnService then modify this new record and add the service you want to start before the one you are editing.
To verify you have the right service name to enter open up Services, right click the service in question, and choose properties. Use the Service name and not the Display name. For instance the IIS Admin Service name is “IISADMIN”.
4. The server will require a restart to apply the change. Once restarted you can open Services, right click the service you edited, choose properties, then the Dependencies tab and you will see the change.