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SSRS report works in DEV, fails in TEST and ACC

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Posted on by 23
Hi all,
It's a bit of a weird one this... 
Installed product version : 10.0.35 (10.0.1627.142)
Installed platform version : Update59 (7.0.6972.171)
Versions are the same in DEV/TEST/ACC.
I created an extension on the WHSWork SSRS report in D365FO. In my DEV box all works like it should. When I deploy the changes to TEST/ACC, I get an error: 
The value // is not found in the map.
This error occurs before the dialog is opened where you can choose your printer etc. 
The common solution for this error is to set the Report Dataset Dynamic Filter to true, but that is already the case.
What I did:
First moved the database from TEST to my DEV box and tried again. No error occurs, so it's not data related I would think.
Moved the K://AosService//PackagesLocalDirectory//MyCustomizationModel from DEV to TEST to debug on the TEST server. But when I do so, the error is gone on the TEST environment. This more or less suggests that I have something on my DEV box that is not checked in to the TEST box yet.
When I go over the open changes in my DEV box, there is nothing there that has anything to do with this report. But to be sure : I shelved all open changes on my DEV box, recompiled and tried again. Still no error on my DEV box. This contradicts with the previous conclusion: There is no open work on my DEV box that has an impact on this error.
Furthermore I created a new design, refreshed datasets, removed user settings, enabled Reporting RDL Sandboxing rules etc. etc.
But nothing seems to work and I don't have a clue now what could be the cause nor what I can do to find the cause.
Can someone point me in the right direction ?
Thanks !
  • Verified answer
    g.verbruggen Profile Picture
    g.verbruggen 23 on at
    SSRS report works in DEV, fails in TEST and ACC
    Hi All,
    I feel pretty stupid: One of the new objects was not in de pending changes as it was never checked in. Don't know how I could miss this....
    Thank you for your time !!
  • Suggested answer
    Waed Ayyad Profile Picture
    Waed Ayyad 6,695 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    SSRS report works in DEV, fails in TEST and ACC
    You can connect UAT environment to your Dev box and debug the code, try this suggestion and tell us what you get.
    In order to connect your Dev with UAT environment you can follow this link:
    Waed Ayyad
    Please mark this answer as "Verified" if it solved your issue. In order to help others who will face a similar issue in the future
  • Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    SSRS report works in DEV, fails in TEST and ACC
    You seem to have investigated the problem thoroughly, but debugging errors like this can be really challenging. You can check the following points:
    View data in TEST/ACC related to the report or any data sources it relies on. Double-check any environment-specific configuration or settings related to reporting in TEST/ACC. This may include server configuration, SSRS configuration, or any environment-specific parameters.
    Ensure that all necessary components (customizations, code changes, dependencies) related to the extension are successfully deployed to the TEST/ACC environment. In these environments, some specific components or changes related to the report extension might be missing.
    Ensure that the service account or user role in TEST/ACC has the necessary permissions and access to the resources required to successfully run the report.
    Check the logs or enable other logging specifically related to report execution in SSRS or TEST/ACC. These logs may provide more details about where the error occurred.
    Best Regards,
  • g.verbruggen Profile Picture
    g.verbruggen 23 on at
    SSRS report works in DEV, fails in TEST and ACC
    Hi Waed,
    Yes, the reports are deployed in my DEV box. 
    I do not get your second question. I moved the database from TEST to DEV to check if is data related (which it isn't). 
  • Suggested answer
    Waed Ayyad Profile Picture
    Waed Ayyad 6,695 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    SSRS report works in DEV, fails in TEST and ACC
    Did you deploy all reports in your Dev?
    Also I don't understand  when you connect the test Environment to the Dev what happen?
    Waed Ayyad
    Please mark this answer as "Verified" if it solved your issue. In order to help others who will face a similar issue in the future

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