RE: Report Error in dynamics ax
First thanks to all members for your prompt response:
Dear Nikolaos Mäenpää ,
Your first link was great, we resolved that issue by The connection to the report server database is managed through the Reporting Services Configuration tool, as it was referenced in your that link. , so now we can print report from our Administrator User accounts and from client users Id dynamics standerds reports can be run like vendors, customers, but our company customized reports are not running giving error. Even our users have proper rights in Report Server URL and Folder.For example after making GRN a report will be created that is not showing .Further, our purchase order report and sales invoice is not showing and throwing same error please watch here."Error while setting server report parameters. Error message granted user'Domain Name\User Name' are insufficient performing this operation(rsAccessDenied)"
Again on Administrator user Id we can run all reports but on clients side this is the issue
One thing more, Administrator User Account is accessing for example "ABC"AOS and from clients i check it is "xyz" AOS as example.
Thanks and regards,
Shabir Ahmad