field(52001; Status; Option)
FieldClass = FlowField;
CalcFormula = Lookup("Sales Header"."Status" WHERE("Document Type" = FIELD("Document Type"),
"No." = FIELD("Document No.")));
CaptionML = ENU = 'Status', ESM = 'Estado', FRC = 'tat', ENC = 'Status';
OptionCaptionML = ENU = 'Open,Released,Pending Approval,Pending Prepayment', ESM = 'Abierto,Lanzado,Aprobacin pendiente,Anticipo pendiente', FRC = 'Ouvert,Libr,Approbation en attente,Paiement anticip en attente', ENC = 'Open,Released,Pending Approval,Pending Prepayment';
OptionMembers = "Open","Released","Pending Approval","Pending Prepayment";
Description = 'FF, Status';
Editable = false;
My error is coming from option. The eror is "Field Status cannot be converted to type Enum "Sales Document Status".ALAL0427". It worked fine on our cloud database with run time 9 but not anymore while onPrem with runtime 3