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Form capture code - What to do with this?

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I am starting with D365 marketing, and trying to connect external website. Connected the javascript code, but unclear what to do with the form capture code (below dutch translations of this).

Where is it for and what do i do with it? Cannot find any info about it. Has tro something woth forms, but do I need to place it on the website otherwise forms will not display?


  • Suggested answer
    Hari Narayan Singh Profile Picture
    Hari Narayan Singh 230 on at
    RE: Form capture code - What to do with this?

    Its just an added flexibility to add the form code to your website while setting up marketing websites, and you can select "I have an existing script" when setting up individual forms.



  • mhoekstra Profile Picture
    mhoekstra 140 on at
    RE: Form capture code - What to do with this?

    Hi Hari,

    Thanks for the answer. But why is there a seperate form capture code with the Domain, when it is setup through forms? Or is this the same code?

    Bit confusing.


  • Suggested answer
    Hari Narayan Singh Profile Picture
    Hari Narayan Singh 230 on at
    RE: Form capture code - What to do with this?

    Hi mhoekstra ,

    Form captures are a feature that enables us to capture and store data from an external form into dynamics.
    You can place it on your website if you would like to capture data for your customers directly into dynamics, instead of uploading them manually.

    But be advised you cannot use the Subscription center functionality and other as well, you can find details on the same here -

    To create form captures you can go to marketing forms and select new form capture and follow on-screen instructions
    Find more info on the same here -

    Please mark this as suggest answers if this helps.

    Thank & Regards,

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