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Finance | Project Operations, Human Resources, ...

Reverse Pay Statement & Payment Journal

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Hi everyone, 

Can anyone share end-to-end process of posted pay statement and payment journal reversal with invoice settlement, using method of payment Electronic payment and file format << export format (Payroll electronic NACHA PPD). 

I have tried from account payable module, but method of payment is not acceptable in type vendor disbursement except check.


Raheel Khan

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Reverse Pay Statement & Payment Journal

    Hi Shenk,

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge, Finally I have completed my process with this guidelines.

  • C. Shenk Profile Picture
    C. Shenk on at
    RE: Reverse Pay Statement & Payment Journal

    Hello Raheel,

    Thank you for the reply - then the following method may need to be considered at this point:

    1. Before submitting to the bank Edit the ACH file to remove the incorrect pay

    2. Post the Payment to the GL.  As you cannot edit this journal you will have to post it and do a reversing entry.

    3. Print the Journal so you are able to see the debit and credit amounts and accounts

    4. Go into your Chart of accounts and edit your payroll account to allow manual entry

    5. Go to the General Ledger – Journal Entries – General journals

    6. Debit the Bank account for the amount you need to remove from the ACH payment you removed in step 1 and credit the payroll account.  This information can be viewed from the report you printed in step 3

    7. Post the GL Entry

    8. At this point your Bank account and payroll accounts are correct

    9. Go back to your Chart of Accounts and edit your payroll account to not allow manual entry

    10. Go to the employee’s pay statement and reverse the pay statement to reverse back the information

    11. Edit the Earnings statement for the Employee, delete the incorrect line and add a new line with the correct amount and process through the system.

    As you can see this basically reverses at the general ledger, which may be an option. Otherwise, if the above still does not provide exactly what you are looking for, it may be best to open a support case.

  • RE: Reverse Pay Statement & Payment Journal

    All process is same as per you, but on payment journal while clicking on functions <<< settlement this message is arriving.

    "When journal type is vendor disbursement, the method of payment should not be payroll electronic NACHA PPD"

  • RE: Reverse Pay Statement & Payment Journal

    Hi Shenk,

    Thank you for your response.

    I have tried following process for reversal but system is not accepting method of payment ( Electronic).

    1. Account payable <<< all vendors <<< select payroll vendor

    2. Invoice tab from action pane <<< closing transaction editing

    3. Then new payment journal <<< select payroll vendor <<< Functions from action pane << settlement <<< select relevant transaction from there, after this, problem is there when I am doing generate payment, any method of payment is not accepting except check, and I am unable to post payment journal to see bank and vendor impacts.

    Note: Original transaction have been processed already with method of payment (Electronic) and I have to reserve with same method.

    For your reference my task is:

    we have run payroll, submitted, and posted  of all employees with method of payment( electronic and file format << export format (Payroll electronic NACHA PPD). and I have to reserve only one line from it with bank impacting.

    Hope you understand

    Thanks Much,

    Raheel Khan

  • Verified answer
    C. Shenk Profile Picture
    C. Shenk on at
    RE: Reverse Pay Statement & Payment Journal

    Hello Raheel,

    Thank you for the email. When you said you had tried from the accounts payable module, was that in attempting to unsettle the original invoice on the payroll vendor? I want to confirm the scenario first depending on what you may have looked at already - as there is no check to reverse in this circumstance, a general overview of the process could be:

    1. Navigate to the payroll vendor and select Undo Settlements

    2. Select the payroll transaction that needs to be unsettled from the invoice, and click 'Reverse'

    3. While still under the Payroll vendor, click New > Payment Journal

    4. Choose the proper vendor payment journal name, and click lines

    5. Select the transactions that had been unsettled previously

    6. Post the payment journal

    7. At this point (generally) the bank and vendor balance should update

    8. Go back into the pay statement that needs reversing, and click reverse (note the reversal pay statement)

    9. Navigate to the reverse pay statement, and post and submit to payment journal (as we already unsettled/resettled the invoice from the payment journal, this is the last step. Otherwise, there would be a message indicating to do it manually).

    For reference, part of the process is related to the official documentation from payroll, see here:  - however this relates moreso to check.

    Basically the above uses the new payment journal to settle once the original invoice is unsettled. But depending on circumstance, this might either need additional steps, or in a different order.

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