Hello Raheel,
Thank you for the email. When you said you had tried from the accounts payable module, was that in attempting to unsettle the original invoice on the payroll vendor? I want to confirm the scenario first depending on what you may have looked at already - as there is no check to reverse in this circumstance, a general overview of the process could be:
1. Navigate to the payroll vendor and select Undo Settlements
2. Select the payroll transaction that needs to be unsettled from the invoice, and click 'Reverse'
3. While still under the Payroll vendor, click New > Payment Journal
4. Choose the proper vendor payment journal name, and click lines
5. Select the transactions that had been unsettled previously
6. Post the payment journal
7. At this point (generally) the bank and vendor balance should update
8. Go back into the pay statement that needs reversing, and click reverse (note the reversal pay statement)
9. Navigate to the reverse pay statement, and post and submit to payment journal (as we already unsettled/resettled the invoice from the payment journal, this is the last step. Otherwise, there would be a message indicating to do it manually).
For reference, part of the process is related to the official documentation from payroll, see here: docs.microsoft.com/.../noam-usa-existing-payroll-payments - however this relates moreso to check.
Basically the above uses the new payment journal to settle once the original invoice is unsettled. But depending on circumstance, this might either need additional steps, or in a different order.