Hello! I have a problem with posting additional General Journal Line right after post Vendor Ledger Entry.
What am I doing and what I want to achieve?
In CU90 there is a function PostGLAndVendor and in it the PostVendEntry, which creates GenJnlLine and post it. I need to create additional GenJnlLine and post it too, but if my additional posting will end with error, all changes should roll back. The issue is that when the second posting ends with error, the Posted Purchase Invoice is still permanently posted in system with all G/L Lines etc.
My second idea was that. I will create function in codeunit 90 right after MakeInventoryAdjustment, before UpdateLastPostingNos functions. And strange things are happening now. My function only create TWO General Ledger Entries and post it. For debbuging I gave an ERROR('Rollback') instead my function and it was OK! After ERROR all changes was rolled back. But if my function is handled, on VALIDATE Account No. field there is a code, which is checking if Vendor f.ex. is blocked. After this validation and system error my posted invoice is still posted. I don't know why!
Could you tell me, when the posting transaction starts and where ends? And how can I achieve the posting of additional general journal lines in ONE transaction?