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Custom tile not working

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I'm trying to configure a custom channel for "SMS". I'm essentially at the point that the entity/workflows/functionality is doing as I need, but the "custom channel" tile is not displaying as I expect - I have added the XML/CSS and am expecting this to display as a blue "Send SMS" tile, but it still displays the default "Custom Channel" tile. I can select SMS from within the custom channel, but what do I need to do to get "Send SMS" to display as its own tile please? 

I have followed the Microsoft-provided instructions at Step 4: Test your custom channel tile (Dynamics 365 Marketing Developer Guide) | Microsoft Docs and at a bit of a loss where to look next!




  • Suggested answer
    Aga M Profile Picture
    Aga M on at
    RE: Custom tile not working

    Hi Becky Carr,

    Here please find our latest documentation on the Custom Channel implementation:

    If following instructions provided there doesn't help - can you please create a support ticket so that our engineering team can investigate the issue? (please share your organization and Customer Journey IDs when creating the ticket).

    Thank you,


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Custom tile not working

    Hi Becky,

    That instruction was published on 04/01/2018 and needs to be updated, because it refers to the old UI.

    In the new UI, all custom tiles have been merged into the black Custom Channel tile, and they are just options of drop down list, so the previous color settings no longer works.

    There are two workarounds to solve it:

    1. Update the icon(UCI) of your custom entity to make it to be distinguishable in the drop down list.



    2. Go to Advanced Settings > Other settings > Feature switches, turn off the Updated customer journey designer option to switch the customer journey designer to the old.


    However, the old UI might be deprecated in future release.



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