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Process Stage Name - Version 9.1

Posted on by 9,079

Hi everyone,

Need some guidance / help on this one...

If the Process Stage Name field in the Opportunity entity is no longer being updated (or no other field in the Opportunity entity represents the active stage), then the Active Stage name field from the Opportunity Sales Process entity needs to be available to be included in a view for the Opportunity entity. 


I do understand that the Process Stage Name is deprecated; however, what field in the Opportunity entity replaces the representation of the Active Stage field?  Is Pipeline Phase still available or deprecated too? 


There is already a relationship between the Opportunity and Opportunity Sales Process entity.  It is a 1:N relationship and therein lies the problem, because I can’t add the Active Stage field from the Opportunity Sales Process entity to a view for the Opportunity. 


There is a big impact here as many clients would have the opportunity pipeline based off the value in either Process Stage Name or Pipeline Phase, 


I can certainly create a workflow on the Opportunity Sales Process entity that, based on changes to the Active Stage value, updates a custom field on the Opportunity entity that represents the Active Stage.  However, I shouldn’t have to write something like this for every client that is using Dynamics 365 for Sales and the Opportunity entity.  Because after I put that workflow in place, then I must change every view, chart, form, workflow and custom code that references the Process Stage Name or Pipeline Phase fields. 


This means that for every entity that has a Business Process Flow, a custom field and custom workflow has to be written in order for someone reviewing these records to have visibility to the Active Stage name.  If that is the case, every customer that is on the 9.1 release and uses the Opportunity Funnel, has a broken Opportunity Funnel.  Here is the set up for an Opportunity Funnel, which is out of the box from Microsoft.  The Opportunity entity has a chart named “Sales Pipeline” which uses the “Pipeline Phase” field as it’s basis.  It means this chart needs to reference a new custom field and in addition to the field name in the chart, anywhere the Pipeline Phase field is used in a view, form, workflow, etc., would have to be changed. 

Is anyone else having this issue?  Am I misunderstanding the new functionality here?  We worked with Microsoft support and they told us we need to create the custom fields and I don't like this answer and I am hoping others have a better idea.  

  • Suggested answer
    malla Profile Picture
    malla 1,264 on at
    RE: Process Stage Name - Version 9.1


    As  I have seen same issue with our current customer, Previously the Process stage name was deprecated then our  customer created custom field on opportunity and run the workflow to see the opportunity stage status..

    Now it seems Microsoft activated the previous process "Process stage name", so our customer is in confusion state of which one needs to be considered.

    I can suggest, if you are already created a custom field and workflow then you need to avoid using the "Process stage name" on the opportunity views and reports.

    I hope this  helps.  

  • Owen Scott Profile Picture
    Owen Scott on at
    RE: Process Stage Name - Version 9.1

    Hi Paul - I just checked my environment, which is, and it is now updating again, complete with the prefix (like 3-Propose, etc.). I deactivated the workflow that I mentioned and it's working fine without it. So apparently, as most have said here, Microsoft made an adjustment and fixed this issue.

    You did mention that you still have a number of Opps which are still showing blank.  As others have said, perhaps you can go in and advance and then back down the stages. If there are only a few, I suppose that could work, but if there are many then you probably want to use the workflow I mentioned and add "On Demand" to it (see that other thread you found, where I'm responding to Nikita), and then run it against all of your historical opportunities.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Process Stage Name - Version 9.1

    Here's the link to CRMUG

    It will not update records where the BPF have been updated when the field was "deprecated", but all new records and any updates going forward should update. At least that's what it looks like for us at the moment. You can probably run a workflow, script or something to update existing records with an empty pipeline phase field, haven't really gone that far yet.

  • Paul McDonald Profile Picture
    Paul McDonald 110 on at
    RE: Process Stage Name - Version 9.1

    Also I've just seen this link, please note the last comment at the bottom. Is this the same for anyone else?


  • Paul McDonald Profile Picture
    Paul McDonald 110 on at
    RE: Process Stage Name - Version 9.1

    Do you think it could be because I'm using a Custom BPF, possible bug with Custom ones?

  • Paul McDonald Profile Picture
    Paul McDonald 110 on at
    RE: Process Stage Name - Version 9.1

    That seems to be a lot of work though just to get this working the way it should be. I've also come across this post that explains a similar issue

  • Profile Picture 456 on at
    RE: Process Stage Name - Version 9.1

    I needed to advance each opp one stage, and then back again. Then it updated.

  • Paul McDonald Profile Picture
    Paul McDonald 110 on at
    RE: Process Stage Name - Version 9.1

    I still think there's something not right though. In my screenshot above, all the Opps in the Pipeline are in the Develop stage, but are just showing as blank. Any ideas?


  • Profile Picture 456 on at
    RE: Process Stage Name - Version 9.1

    I can also confirm that it has started to work again on the Organisation, where I had troubles when I wrote above.

    I hope we get any official documentation on if the feature is deprecated or not!

  • Paul McDonald Profile Picture
    Paul McDonald 110 on at
    RE: Process Stage Name - Version 9.1

    Hi Jostein that's a bit strange, I'm going to disable the workflow and test that. Thanks

    Are you able to provide a link to the CRM UG post please? That'll come in useful right now, bit hit and miss

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