Payment history for vendor shows not posted journal lines.
Hi Billur and Hana,
Thank you for your response.
can you confirm why these unposted payment journal lines shows under payment history. once we post the payment journal that should show on payment history. because of the none user getting confused, these lines are posted or not?
Payment history for vendor shows not posted journal lines.
Hi, You can view payment history for any vendor by using the Payment history form. You can view a variety of vendor payment information, such as:
Recent payments made to a vendor
The full history of all payments made to a vendor
A list of invoices included that were in a payment
Information that was printed on a physical check
The method of payment and dates for payments
"None" indicates that payment processing has not yet been performed on this record. This may be because the payment has not been scheduled or executed, or the payment has not yet been completed or submitted to the system. Try to generate a payment and see if payment status is changed. Same as yours in my standard testing environment.
Best Regards, Hana
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