I want to filter a datetime field using marks. For example "between 'today-3' and 'today'"
In date fiels '-3d..t' marks are okey but in datetime fields it does not work.
I am seeking your assists.
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I want to filter a datetime field using marks. For example "between 'today-3' and 'today'"
In date fiels '-3d..t' marks are okey but in datetime fields it does not work.
I am seeking your assists.
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May be try <-3d>..<CD>
check this format
I don't know how to handle additions and subtractions in date formulas in DateTime fields, but short of that, here is how you can filter in a DateTime field when you know the date, day of the week, day of the month, or an absolute reference like Today or WorkDate.
There are some simple formulas that I've been able to use in the past. For instance, let's say the Work Date is set March 22, 2017, and Today is March 19, 2017. To capture all records between these dates in a DateTime field, I can set this as the formula:
T 00..W 00
Here we assume the specific time is insignificant, as long as it falls between the specificed dates. The 00 satisfies the time constraint (I could also have entered it as 0000 or 000000). Counting from the left, the first two zeros indicate hour, the next two indicate minute, and the last two indicate seconds.
If I want to filter between Monday 1AM and Wednesday 4PM, I can use this formula to filter (I use 24 hour time on my system):
M 0100..We 1600
Keep in mind that NAV will treat M (Monday) as the date relative to the Work Date (M of the week of the Work Date).
For filtering between 03/15/17 and 03/19/17:
031517 0000..031917 0000
In fact, NAV will also do just fine if you entered 031517..031917 (since the dates are exact and not relative)
25th to 29th Day of the Month:
25D 0000..29D 0000 (or 25D..29D)
You can read more about this on my blog: letstalknav.com/.../using-date-shortcuts
Hope I've at least provided some help.
Dear De Silva;
Thanks for your attention.
I analyze the link before but did not work at datetime fields.
Dear Tarhan ,
refer the following link : added all Entering Criteria in Filters
Mr. Salvi,
Thanks for your answer.
Just i want filter on page (not an development environment) So in date fields (-3d..t)=(between today-3 and today)
But the same marks didn't work in datetime fields. Which marks do same filtering in datetime fields?
You can filter on datetime filed as below
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