Greetings dear community!
I have a custom menu item in a standard workspace and I want to add this custom menu item reference into a role.
But while I try to add the reference in /Security Configurations/ form under System Administration > Security > Security Configurations,
I encounter an error saying:
/Cannot create a record in Select objects (SysSecObjectLookup). Name: /CustomMenuItemName/ [NeededPermission: Manual]. The record already exists./
It just happens once I click on /Add references/ button.
And I am able to add references in other workspaces, I'm just having an issue with this workspace which contains multiple custom menu items.
Here is the path inside in the /Security Configurations/ form;
Employee self service role > Employee self service privilege > HcmEmployeeSelfServiceWorkspace Display menu items > EssWorkspace > Controls + > clicking on Add Reference button here will trigger the error.
Here are screenshots:
Please let me know what I am missing here.
Any advice is appreciated !
Thanks in advance!