We have just upgraded to GP2018 from GP2015.
We are getting errors on Econnect integration.
Here is part of the errors from the log file:
Dynamics GP Accounts Payable Exception: Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectException:
The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'taUpdateCreateVendorRcd', database 'XXXX', schema 'dbo'.
Dynamics GP Accounts Payable Exception: Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectException: '', hexadecimal value 0x02, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 481.
at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.ServiceProxy.CreateTransactionEntity(String connectionString, String xml)
Dynamics GP Accounts Payable Exception: OLE IDispatch exception code 0 from .Net SqlClient Data Provider: The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'PM30300', database 'XXXX', schema 'dbo'...
Dynamics GP Accounts Payable Exception: Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectException: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'taUpdateCreateVendorRcd', database 'XXXX', schema 'dbo'.
at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.ServiceProxy.HandleSqlException(FaultException`1 ex)
I tried running Grant,sql on company database as well as DYNAMICS database but it didn't work.
I have also tested givig the Econnect user "sa" rights temporarily but that did not work either.
I appreciate all the help