/Exception Message: Principal user..., is missing prvSendAppNotification privilege.../
I have granted the necessary permissions following the User can send in-app notifications to self (screenshot from documentation and our updated security roles)
But I can't find where to update the last part; /... and Send In-App Notification privilege/
The documentation says /The privilege is granted to the Environment Maker role by default/. I have compared the Environment Maker role and the role I'm updating but I can't find any difference that would help.
Maybe you can try to use the 'Environment Maker' security role directly to test, to check if the error still occurs,
Check that security roles are actually assigned to the required users.
The error provides the guid of the user: Principal user..., is missing prvSendAppNotification privilege.../
So you can use guid to search user and check all.
I hope you can mark my answerverifiedif it is helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
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