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Is linkToConversation now broken? (JavaScript API)

Posted on by 161
Is anyone else suddenly encountering this failing with 400 Bad Request?

For example, even running the code via the browser console from the documentation page now returns a 400 error, despite passing a valid incident ID and a UI message appearing saying the conversation was linked successfully.

//Linking an incident record with the current conversation 
Microsoft.Omnichannel.linkToConversation("incident", "06318998-607a-ef11-ac20-002248c6bc8a").then((response) => { 
    // Refreshing the tab UI  
}, (error) => { 
It seems the payload (generated on the backend) is now invalid, leading to the 400 error. I've been trying to escalate this through support, but seem to be stuck with the usual frustrations around mandatory phone calls/screen share sessions causing significant delays on a ticket where the contact preference is email and issue has been clearly articulated.
  • DanNewton Profile Picture
    DanNewton 161 on at
    Is linkToConversation now broken? (JavaScript API)
    Hi @PerezAguiar - it looks like ConversationID is optional so we are only passing entity incident and incident id but getting the 400 bad request error.
    I just tried with Entity, RecordID and ConversationID (as below) but still get the 400 bad request:
    //Linking an incident record with the current conversation 
    Microsoft.Omnichannel.linkToConversation("incident", "41d96efa-2f7b-ef11-ac20-0022480089c8", "52e7e8dd-df27-4936-8619-7ec97dff09c3").then((response) => { 
        // Refreshing the tab UI  
    }, (error) => { 

    This has worked previously so I think there is a backend issue/bug - unfortunately landing that message with support and getting it escalated to the developers isn't as easy as it should be.

  • Suggested answer
    PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    Is linkToConversation now broken? (JavaScript API)
    Have you tried running this with the 3 parameters? Entity, RecordID and ConversationID?

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