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Dynamics GP 2016, "LineScroll_CHG() of form SOP_Entry" and "SOP_Check_Credit_Limit" error registering triggers

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Hello Community

Hopefully someone can help me by advising what parameters are used by the following functions in GP 2016:

"'LineScroll_CHG() of form SOP_Entry"


I tried to use the parameters documented in SDK for GP 2016 but paratemtes in the SDK do not match with the total number of parameters recorded by the debbug, in the debbug script appears a ZERO as the final parameter which is not documented in the SDK 2016.

Hoping somebody from Microsoft support will open up the GP2016 dictionary for me and look at the parameters in "'LineScroll_CHG() of form SOP_Entry" and "'SOP_Check_Credit_Limit'"  and simply paste them in here as a response. That would be totally awesome as I am up against a wall on this customization upgrade.

Thanks in advance!

  • JuanZ Profile Picture
    JuanZ 5 on at
    RE: Dynamics GP 2016, "LineScroll_CHG() of form SOP_Entry" and "SOP_Check_Credit_Limit" error registering triggers

    Thank you so much Almas for your comments.

    Perhaps it is worth to say this is a migration project from GP 2010 to GP 2016, the triggers in GP2010 are working properly, but once the dictionary is migrated to GP2016 it is throwing trigger registration errors due differences in the parameters.

    The customization is using the parameter "INOUT_Credit_Checked" of "SOP_Check_Credit_Limit" in order to avoid the credit limit message to be displayed to the user:


    I will check "RM_Credit_Limit_Check" to see if it can be accomplised handleing one of its parameters and post it back.

    About LineScroll_CHG() of SOP_Entry, you right! it has a lot of parameters (104 parameters in GP2010 and it looks 105 parameters in GP2016 but no documented in SDK) the customization is actually using only one of them, it is using the one called "fLineSaved" in order to set a flag a customization flag:


    I guess the best should be to have the correct parameters for each procedure/function in this way no major changes will be required in the original code.

    Thanks Almas!

  • Almas Mahfooz Profile Picture
    Almas Mahfooz 11,006 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Dynamics GP 2016, "LineScroll_CHG() of form SOP_Entry" and "SOP_Check_Credit_Limit" error registering triggers

    LineScroll_CHG()  function have lots of parameters, and it's not easy to pass them correctly if you don't know the details of parameters types and sequence. I didn't find any detail for this function in SDK. Also what exactly are you doing so you need to know these parameters?

  • Suggested answer
    Almas Mahfooz Profile Picture
    Almas Mahfooz 11,006 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Dynamics GP 2016, "LineScroll_CHG() of form SOP_Entry" and "SOP_Check_Credit_Limit" error registering triggers


    For this script , you can register your trigger  on RM_Credit_Limit_Check, which is calling from within of SOP_Check_Credit_Limit function and have less parameters. Also parameters are defined in SDK as mentioned below.

    'SOP_Check_Credit_Limit', 1, 1, 179.95000, 3, "ADAMPARK0001", "ADAMPARK0001", 0, 0, table 'RM_Module_SETP', 0
                       'NationalAccountsRegistered()', 0
                       'NAConsolidateCreditCheck() of form RM_NationalAccounts_Maintenance', 0, "ADAMPARK0001", table 'RM_NationalAccounts_MSTR'
                       'RM_Credit_Limit_Check', "ADAMPARK0001", 179.95000, 0

    Script type:
    Form (If a form global):
    This script is receives a customer ID and a transaction amount as in parameters. The script first checks to see if the customer has no credit. If no credit is found, false is returned. Otherwise, it checks to see if the customer has unlimited credit. If unlimited credit is found, true is returned. If not unlimited or none is found, the the script checks to see if Customer Balance   In dollar amount   unposted Sales - unposted credits will be greater than the customers credit limit. If it is greater, then Credit_OK is returned as false. Otherwise true is returned. The script also checks the balance of specified aging period and beyond   dollar in amount. If that balance is greater then the Credit Limit Period Amount, Credit OK = false is returned. Otherwise, true is returned.
    in 'Customer Number' IN_Cust_ID. {Check credit limit for this customer number.}
    in dollar IN_Dollar. {Transaction amount to check if customer is over the limit.}
    inout boolean INOUT_Credit_OK. {true = credit not exceeded, false = credit exceeded} 

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