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My Sandbox and Production environments look completely different, pretty much everything is missing from Prod...

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I've been puzzling over how to make better use of the Customer Service Hub for a little while. Most of the things I see in my environment don't match the documentation. Today I hit on the idea of having a look in my Sandbox environment, which I don't use.

In the Customer Service Hub I see this:


with loads of configuration options down the left.

The same view in my production instance doesn't have any of this stuff:


I know this must be something basic, anyone know what I need to do?

Many thanks

  • Apajove Profile Picture
    Apajove 30 on at
    RE: My Sandbox and Production environments look completely different, pretty much everything is missing from Prod...

    Thanks  Ricardo,

    Yes, I got assistance from a guy named Obinna Enemuo (Escalation Engineer) who was able to identify the issue for me: Ifollowed the following guidance and it worked immediately:

    To fix this on your org, kindly follow the following steps:

     Right-click the Gear button on the top right of the screen and select Advanced Settings

      Click the dropdown arrow beside Settings and select Customizations


     Select Customize the System


     Select Client Extensions > Select Customer Service Hub > Select Solution Layers


     On the next page, click the ellipsis (…) button beside Active and click Remove Active Customizations


     After clicking it once or twice to ensure it was clicked, close that Solution Layers window. Note that the page may become unresponsive during this action but wait and allow it load.Click Save a couple of times and allow for some seconds before clicking Publish All Customizations. This should take some seconds before the Publishing Customization popup goes


     Go back to the Customer Service Hub page and refresh it

    You should be able to see the expected page now

    And it worked. You'd set me on the right path, but I don't know quite enough about Dynamics to get to this on my own!

    many thanks


  • Verified answer
    RE: My Sandbox and Production environments look completely different, pretty much everything is missing from Prod...

    Hi Apajove,

    Thank you for usign the Microsoft Dynamics Communities,

    I was looking your instance this morning (using a support user - only available for Microsoft employees) and looks like that all icons related to Service Management area are available. Support user has System Administrator role through an Administrative Mode (no data read). Please, let me know if still need help here. 



  • Apajove Profile Picture
    Apajove 30 on at
    RE: My Sandbox and Production environments look completely different, pretty much everything is missing from Prod...

    Thanks very much for the detailed reply. It looks like the Sitemap is the problem here:


    Sandbox on the left, prod on the right. The errors listed are:

    The ID nav_accts already exists in the site map. Please provide a different ID for Service -> Customers -> Accounts
    The ID nav_accts already exists in the site map. Please provide a different ID for Service -> Service -> Accounts
    The ID nav_contacts already exists in the site map. Please provide a different ID for Service -> Customers -> Contacts
    The ID nav_contacts already exists in the site map. Please provide a different ID for Service -> Service -> Contacts
    I modified two of the duplicates (just adding a 1 to the end) and the sitemap errors went away, but I still don't see the same options in the bottom menu in the CSH. In Live there's no Service Management option which is the one I want. I've had a quick go at adding this in manually. I can do so, copying the entires in the sandbox one by one, but there's some components missing. I don;t seem to have the same icon sets (I think I'm missing /WebResources/msdynce_CustomerServiceHub/_imgs/Sitemap/ServiceManagement.svg for example).
    And when i try to add the "Parent Child Case Settings" sub object it's of a type (Dynamic Page) which isn't available for me to select.
    Am I barking up the wrong tree here? I can't understand where the Service Management part of my sandbox environment came from, compared to the production instance which doesn't have the same configuration at all.
  • Suggested answer
    RE: My Sandbox and Production environments look completely different, pretty much everything is missing from Prod...

    Hi Apajove,

    Thank you for using the Microsoft Dynamics Communities.

    First of all you should compare the roles assigned for your user in the both environments (make sure that user has the same roles/privileges). If yes, you can use the "Change Area" option (left bottom) to navigate between Service HUB Configuration options and modules. 


    If you are not seeing the same Areas available, this behavior could be associated to a SiteMap issue or a Model-Driven App configuration. To check that, access the Advanced Settings and click on Settings > Customizations and Customize the System.


    In the left menu, look for Model-Driven Apps and open the Customer Service Hub. 


    Check and compare the SiteMap (by clicking in Edit) and also check number of Entities available for this app in each environment:


    This steps can provide a good detail level about both environments and guide you about differences.

    Best Regards,

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