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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)

The filter "@<Buy from Vendor No.>" on the Buy-from Vendor No. field in Purchase Header table has no lower bound

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I am getting above error while trying to change the 'Buy from Vendor No.' in purchase order.

Steps to recreate the error:

1. Open the purchase order list.

2. Then add a filter of a "Buy-from Vendor No.".

3. I chose one of the purchase order from the filtered list.

4.In the card I when I tried to change the 'Buy from Vendor No.', its giving following error.

When I debugged, its showing error in IF GETRANGEMIN("Buy-from Vendor No.") = GETRANGEMAX("Buy-from Vendor No.") THEN of Skipinitialization() function.

Can you please help?

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  • sha212 Profile Picture
    sha212 60 on at
    RE: The filter "@<Buy from Vendor No.>" on the Buy-from Vendor No. field in Purchase Header table has no lower bound

    Hello José ,

    It worked. Thank you.

    Another way is to filter using 'Pay to Vendor No.' and then change in the card. I am not sure why Buy from Vendor No. is not working.

  • sha212 Profile Picture
    sha212 60 on at
    RE: The filter "@<Buy from Vendor No.>" on the Buy-from Vendor No. field in Purchase Header table has no lower bound

    Currently OnInsert tigger following code is there.

    IF NOT SkipInitialization THEN


    IF GETFILTER("Buy-from Vendor No.") <> '' THEN

     IF GETRANGEMIN("Buy-from Vendor No.") = GETRANGEMAX("Buy-from Vendor No.") THEN

       VALIDATE("Buy-from Vendor No.",GETRANGEMIN("Buy-from Vendor No."));

    I commented the first line still getting error.

  • Suggested answer
    jcastro Profile Picture
    jcastro 2,245 on at
    RE: The filter "@<Buy from Vendor No.>" on the Buy-from Vendor No. field in Purchase Header table has no lower bound

    Hello sha212,

    Instead of filtering the P.O., you can try sort by the buy-from vendor No. and use the search feature to find your purchase order. After that enter the card and make your change (not having filtered the list previously).

    Best regards,

  • Suggested answer
    Suresh Kulla Profile Picture
    Suresh Kulla 44,773 on at
    RE: The filter "@<Buy from Vendor No.>" on the Buy-from Vendor No. field in Purchase Header table has no lower bound

    I don't see that call in the newest version. I believe you can comment that. This is how the code in the newest version, in the OnInsert trigger


                  IF GETFILTER("Buy-from Vendor No.") <> '' THEN

                    IF GETRANGEMIN("Buy-from Vendor No.") = GETRANGEMAX("Buy-from Vendor No.") THEN

                      VALIDATE("Buy-from Vendor No.",GETRANGEMIN("Buy-from Vendor No."));

                  IF "Purchaser Code" = '' THEN


  • sha212 Profile Picture
    sha212 60 on at
    RE: The filter "@<Buy from Vendor No.>" on the Buy-from Vendor No. field in Purchase Header table has no lower bound

    The condition   IF GETFILTER("Buy-From Vendor No.") <> '' THEN     is there already. I have not made any changes to skipintialization() function.  

  • Suggested answer
    Suresh Kulla Profile Picture
    Suresh Kulla 44,773 on at
    RE: The filter "@<Buy from Vendor No.>" on the Buy-from Vendor No. field in Purchase Header table has no lower bound

    Add the IF before IF GETRANGEMIN.... condition like

    IF GETFILTER("Buy-From Vendor No.") <> '' THEN

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