Hi, is there a way to filter a Multi Select Lookup field by other? For example:
I want to filter the "SubcategorÃa" by the "CategorÃa" and both fields are Multi Select Lookup Control
Hi, is there a way to filter a Multi Select Lookup field by other? For example:
I want to filter the "SubcategorÃa" by the "CategorÃa" and both fields are Multi Select Lookup Control
Hi Catalinas,
In case filtration is not available on the multi-select option set. You can achieve your requirement using custom many-to-many relationships. In your custom table responsible to maintain the many-many relationships. You can filter a lookup on the basis of another lookup using related filter functionality on the main form. I think it is a good workaround for you.
Hi Catalinas,
Unfortunately, there is no OOB way to filter Multi Select Lookup Control. And I also try JS to achieve this. However, Multi Select Lookup Control doesn't support addCustomFilter.
You could submit an idea here to progress this feature:
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