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Has anyone converted Word documents to KB ( Knowledge base ) article automatically

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Customer with hundreds of word documents and would like to convert to KB articles.  Has anyone done this before?
  • Has anyone converted Word documents to KB ( Knowledge base ) article automatically
    We have the same problem and our Word files also include images. For images, copy/past doesn't work from Word to CRM.
    That's why we thought about method 2, too.
    Today I figured out that it works when you use OneNote as "Middleware".
    So copy the content of the Word into OneNote and then copy the content from OneNote to CRM, then all images will also be added to the content.
    Might be a bit less time consuming then entering it completely manual.
    If you have only written text and you don't care about the formatting, you could import the content with Excel Import.
    Just enter the Word content into the "Content" column.
  • Suggested answer
    RudyZhang Profile Picture
    RudyZhang Microsoft Employee on at
    Has anyone converted Word documents to KB ( Knowledge base ) article automatically
    First of all, your request to convert Word documents into Knowledge base is not supported.
    Our team has come up with two alternative solutions.
    Method 1: Create a knowledge article and manually enter the content of the word document into the article, this method is very time consuming, but the result is closest to your needs.
    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Hub -> Knowledge Articles -> New

    Method 2: Create an article and add the corresponding word document as an attachment to the knowledge article. This method is less time consuming than the first one, but whenever your customers need to refer to the specific content of the knowledge article, they need to download the attachment in order to view it.
    Attach Files Form -> My Devices / Previous Uploads -> Insert File

    For specific details on creating knowledge articles please refer to the documentation at the following link
    Create and manage knowledge articles | Microsoft Learn
    I hope my answer is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best Regards,
    Rudy Zhang

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