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Completely removing modules and tables

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Posted on by 75,730

I did an upgrade this weekend for a client. Whoever did the original installation installed just about every module known to man. My question is there a way a remove all traces of modules including all tables, views and stored procedures? Of particular concern is analytical accounting and advanced HR/PR now that that has been handed over to Integrity Data. They turned over payroll to an outside provider years ago. I know you can remove these modules from the DYNAMICS.SET file but that will leave all the components in the DYNAMICS and company databases.I know there is the SQL Maintenance routine but I am hoping perhaps there exists a series of scripts to ease the removal process.

  • Suggested answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,054 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Completely removing modules and tables


    Next to what Lisa & Steve replied, there are indeed a few KB articles from Microsoft out there to completely remove some module tables. In particular those who could come back and bite during an upgrade, like FA & AA.

    In most cases if you take out the modules from the .SET file, the DU000020 & DB_Upgrade tables, then GP Utilities won't try to upgrade those anymore.

    GP PowerTools Database validation does offer that option to check on missing modules from the .SET file and remove all references from the system, and even remove tables that are no longer needed, but you need a registered license to do it. Mostly recommended to customers way before they start an upgrade project, so the situation can be assessed long before the upgrade starts.

    Like Lisa, I've built over the years a long list of GP module numbers and add-ons from various third party, so I know what it refers to during an upgrade, would it start to fail.

    It's a PITA, but most ISV's don't even bother to provide a proper removal script for their SQL objects when un-installing the product.. Sometimes you can get it from their technical setup guides or from the support.

    A good idea is to setup a Vanilla GP instance and then trace down with SQL what objects get created during the install process of a new module.. I did that once or twice in the past as I couldn't clearly identify all the created SQL objects and needed to get rid of them.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: Completely removing modules and tables

    Thanks Lisa, I will add this list to my GP tool bag.

  • Suggested answer
    Lisa at Profile Picture
    Lisa at 572 on at
    RE: Completely removing modules and tables

    Several of those look like products that have rolled into the core GP install and shouldn't be in the new Dynamics.set.  Hopefully someone from GP Support will chime in on an official list.

    Others (like Technical Support tools) shouldn't have any interim installs that give you a problem - just install and launch PSTL (in each company) to rebuild the tables.


    309 Fixed Assets

    Remove FA from DynUtils.set
    After upgrade is complete, add back FA to DynUtils and update the FA product line and then launch GP Utils again to upgrade FA tables
      update db_upgrade set db_vermajor=14, db_verbuild=698, db_veroldmajor=14, db_veroldbuild=698 where prodid=309
    1. UPDATE DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade SET db_verOldMajor=0, db_verOldMinor=0, db_verOldBuild=0, db_status=0 WHERE PRODID=309 and db_name = 'xxx'
    2. Delete DYNAMICS..DU000020 WHERE PRODID=309 and companyid = 'x'
    3. Run the following scripts against the company database:
    A. Drop table FA41000
    B. Drop table FA00200
    C. Drop table FAINST01

    My notes on 414 Human Resources are based on Event Viewer error on DLL:
    Uninstall GP / re-install GP (including service pack).
    2020-07-24 Error on HRDocAttach ran across issue with removing HR information below:
    select * from DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade where PRODID = 414 and db_name = 'xxxx'
    select * from DYNAMICS..DU000020 where PRODID = 414 and db_name = 'xxxx'
    select * from DYNAMICS..DU000030 where PRODID = 414 and db_name = 'xxxx'
    Delete DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade where PRODID = 414 and companyID = xx
    Delete DYNAMICS..DU000020 where PRODID = 414 and companyID = xx
    Delete DYNAMICS..DU000030 where PRODID = 414 and companyID = xx
    select * from dynamics..suspref
    select * from dynamics..HR2APP06
    select * from dynamics..AAX10130
    --If you are reinstalling this module for the Dynamics database run the following scripts against Dynamics:
    Drop Table SUSPREF
    Drop Table HR2APP06
    Drop Table AAX10130
    --You can find the Companyid by running the following script:
    select CMPANYID,CMPNYNAM,INTERID from Dynamics..SY01500
    --Last you need to run the following drop scripts against each company you need to reinstall the module for:
    select * from TEST..HR2NJ01
    select * from TEST..EX010130
    Drop Table HR2NJ01
    Drop Table EX010130
    Product 1235 does not support upgrading from version xx.xx.xxxx (Safepay)
    Delete DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade where PRODID = 1235 and db_name = 'xxxx'
    Delete DYNAMICS..DU000020 where PRODID = 1235 and companyID = xx
    Delete DYNAMICS..DU000030 where PRODID = 1235 and companyID = xx
    You can find the Companyid by running the following script:
    select CMPANYID,CMPNYNAM,INTERID from Dynamics..SY01500
    Last you need to run the following drop scripts against each company you need to reinstall the module for:
    Drop Table ME123515
    Drop Table ME234602
    Product 1428 does not support upgrading from version xx.xx.xxxx
    Delete DYNAMICS..DB_UPGRADE where PRODID = 1428
    Delete DYNAMICS..DU000020 where PRODID = 1428
    Delete DYNAMICS..DU000030 where PRODID = 1428
    --> Delete following tables from each company
    drop table ME142801
    drop table ME142802
    drop table ME142803
    drop table ME142804
    drop table ME142805
    drop table ME142806
    drop table ME142807
    drop table ME142808
    drop table ME142809
    drop table ME142811
    drop table ME142812
    drop table ME142813
    drop table ME142814
    drop table ME142815
    drop table ME142818
    drop table ME142820

    Product 3180 does not support upgrading from version xx.xx.xxxx
  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: Completely removing modules and tables

    Lisa, you can use this list. Thanks.

    Fixed Assets
    Human Resources
    Interfund Management
    Safe Pay
    Electronic Reconcile
    Cash Flow Management
    Technical Service Tools
    Excel-Based Budgeting
    HRM Solution Series
    Purchase Order Enhancements
    Control Account Management
    Enhanced Commitment Management
    Advanced Security
    Analytical Accounting
    Encumbrance Management
    Report Scheduler
    Grant Management
    Payroll Integration to Payable
    Certification Manager
    Employee Health and Wellness

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2015/Data/DO6499R.DIC

  • Lisa at Profile Picture
    Lisa at 572 on at
    RE: Completely removing modules and tables

    I don't have an all-inclusive list, but I do have many of core GP noted.  (My list is built over years of searching for "Product XXXX does not support upgrading from version ...) errors during upgrades.)  Do you have any product numbers that I can search for you?  [I hesitate to post my list as it may include obsolete/broken links.]

  • Steve Rodionoff Profile Picture
    Steve Rodionoff 261 on at
    RE: Completely removing modules and tables

    good question, would love to know the answer myself. as i have come across a number of deployments in the same situation.

    Below are a few i have come across previously, however it would be nice for a formal process where you can specify any GP addon module and remove the objects in SQL.

    AA -

    Webservices -    

    Fixed Assets -

    Business Portal - KB923665  (doesn't seem to exist anywhere anymore)

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