RE: Report Writer Hide a Calculated Field
Just create a calculated field that looks at the field that contains an R and either returns the data you want to see or an empty string. You can use use the hide when empty option to stop date and numeric fields showing with zero or empty values.
You can use the RW_Pos report writer function I added to v7.0 of GP to check if there is an R in the string. It is a wrapper for the Dexterity pos() function.
Returns a numeric value indicating the starting position of a string within a string.
16Jan02 DMUSGRAVE PR29033: Added RW function to wrap Dex functions
function returns integer OUT_pos;
in string IN_target; { The string you want to search in }
in string IN_search; { The string you want to search for }
in integer IN_start; { The position at which the search will start in the target string }
OUT_pos = pos(IN_target, IN_search, IN_start);