RE: Dynamics 365 integration with 3rd party app for authentication
Hi EmpressAthena,
You could refer to following process:
1. Create a lookup field "Associate contact"(source entity: Contact) to Contact field.
2. Create a custom text field "Original password" to save the password entered by users/contacts.(Of course we will clear it then.)
3. Create an on-demand workflow, call it when user submits form of 3rd party application. (You may need to build custom workflow to implement some logics.)
Step 1: Create a new "associated contact" record for real contact.
Step 2: Set the password of the associated temp contact by calling Adxstudio.Xrm.Workflow.Identity.ChangePassword workflow.
Step 3: Search for the real contact, get value of its passwords field and do comparison between it and the field value of the associated contact.
If equal, pass the authentication.
If not, give error message.(I'm not sure how do you inform contacts that if they fail to be authenticated.)
Step 4: Clear "Original password" field value of the associated contact, or delete the record in last step.