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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Complier Error: Getting missing file error Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule

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I am getting the error below when a client is trying to install our Model file:

Abnormal termination with unhandled exception. Exception key: aee55154-bd8e-4f6c-a3c1-78080dfafc59. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'J:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\VPEDIAX7\bin\Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule'.

The Model compiles fine on my Dev system, and that file is not in the folder.

Since the update to the model I changed some Entities by removing them then added some Views/Queries so I could do Unions rather than have 3 different entities. 

I don't believe I am doing anything special in my objects. Everything is pretty vanilla. Can someone point me in the right direction?

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  • RE: AX7 Complier Error: Getting missing file error Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule

    Thanks for the time and suggestion Chris. I will do what you and Martin are suggesting when/if the problem rears it head again.

  • RE: AX7 Complier Error: Getting missing file error Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule

    I had a friend get on with me. Turns out the error was coming from a project that I thought I had deleted the other day. Apparently the *.xml files were still sitting in the PackagesLocalDirectory\VPEDIAX7\VPEDIAX7\AxDataEntityView folder. However the VS project and objects (Entities) were no longer in my solution and the project could not be imported from the export I had made. We manually deleted the xml for the objects (Entities) in question and that corrected the issue.

    Still the original problem remains with the deleted project, but I'm not sure how much time I will spend digging into it. I am going to redo the project I deleted, in increments. This way if I find the issue again I will have a better hint at what I am doing that causes it. I can only say that the Entity I deleted, that was causing this issue, was very large, with a lot of joins and logic. To the point that dropdowns were taking 1 minute to appear. I will build it in a more modular fashion and see if I have more luck.

    Thank-you for your time Martin. It is greatly appreciated.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,354 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: AX7 Complier Error: Getting missing file error Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule

    It seems that some assemblies, namely 'Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.ManagedInterop and System.Xml failed to load. I would try a few things:

    1. Make sure that you run Visual Studio as administrator.
    2. Build your model including referenced packages.
    3. Build Application Suite model alone to see whether it's something wrong there or not.
    4. Consider using Assembly Binding Log Viewer to understand why the assemblies can't load.
  • Chris Roehrich Profile Picture
    Chris Roehrich 289 on at
    RE: AX7 Complier Error: Getting missing file error Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule

    Does your model need a reference to the SourceDocumentation package?  Just a guess based on the error message.  I was getting similar errors on my project until I made a reference to several more packages that apparently my project needed.

  • RE: AX7 Complier Error: Getting missing file error Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule

    Hi Martin,

       I am now able to get the error on my dev system but I'm still not sure what it is. It happens in VS when I right click the project and Build. I get the following errors messages that lead into the error. Hopefully that helps a bit. Could there be some problem with the labels?

    Dynamics AX build started 11/01/2016 19:47.

    Dynamics AX build step: Metadata validation started.

    Dynamics AX build step: Metadata validation completed (635 ms).

    Dynamics AX build step: X++ compilation, label generation and resource deployment started.

     : Compilation failed.

    J:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\VPEDIAX7\VPEDIAX7\AxReference\Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.xml(0,0):  AssemblyFileNotFound: Assembly 'Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' failed to load because it was not found.

    J:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ApplicationSuite\Foundation\AxReference\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.ManagedInterop.xml(0,0):  AssemblyFileNotFound: Assembly 'Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.ManagedInterop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' failed to load because it was not found.

    J:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ApplicationPlatform\ApplicationPlatform\AxReference\Microsoft.OData.Edm.xml(0,0):  AssemblyFileNotFound: Assembly 'System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' failed to load because it was not found.

    J:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\VPEDIAX7\VPEDIAX7\AxDataEntityView\EDIPurchaseOrderLineEntity.xml(0,0):  UnhandledException: Abnormal termination with unhandled exception. Exception key: 17a7059d-e059-4926-90a5-461bbe26c523. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'J:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\VPEDIAX7\bin\Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule'.

    File name: 'J:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\VPEDIAX7\bin\Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule'

  • RE: AX7 Complier Error: Getting missing file error Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule

    Yes but with no build references.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,354 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: AX7 Complier Error: Getting missing file error Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule

    One more question and I'll hopefully understand on which page we're.

    Do you use Dynamics AX > Build models... in Visual Studio? With Build referenced packages?

  • RE: AX7 Complier Error: Getting missing file error Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule

    No. The import works fine. It is when they try to build the Model.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,354 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: AX7 Complier Error: Getting missing file error Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule

    Aha, I see. So does it fail when running ModelUtil.exe -import or at some later point?

  • RE: AX7 Complier Error: Getting missing file error Dynamics.AX.SourceDocumentation.Queries.0.netmodule

    I'm using ModelUtil.exe -export -metadatastorepath="J:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory" to generate an *.axmodel file. Sorry I'm a bit green. That model file is being sent to the client.

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