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Receive get/change first operation on table 'GL_Options_TEMP' failed accessing SQL data

Posted on by 181


I recently setup a new GP environment with version 18.3.1200 in order to setup a test server. I imported the companies that were in my production server, which is also version 18.3.1200. It appears to work, except for the Trial Balance report. When I go to this report (e.g. from "Financial"),


I get the following error:


It says "a get/change first operation on table 'GL_Options_TEMP' failed accessing SQL data.". When I clock on the View Info button, I get:


It says "Number of results columns doesn't match table definition.". I was wondering if anyone has encountered this problem in the past?


  • Jason Yeung Profile Picture
    Jason Yeung 181 on at
    RE: Receive get/change first operation on table 'GL_Options_TEMP' failed accessing SQL data

    Hi Beat Bucher,

    Thanks for the info. I was able to rectify this problem. You were correct that it's related to the installation process. I may have installed different GP modules that were not part of the original installation. I grabbed the GP files from the orignal installation, changed the database connection on the config files and put it in the new environment. It seemed to have fixed the problem.



  • Verified answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,021 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Receive get/change first operation on table 'GL_Options_TEMP' failed accessing SQL data


    Ignore the replies from members like "Friedrich" or the like.. they are just spammer that try to get their embedded links inserted randomly in the forums here with content that looks like legit, but is just unrelated or garbage.

    Anytime there is a suspicious or hidden link within the reply or at the end, those posts should be reported as spam.

    As for your problem,
    I agree with Derek and it looks like you didn't restore the GP environment in whole.. You said that you "created" a new enviornment, and then "imported" the GP companies... this is exactly what can cause this kind of problems, because if you did not restore also the DYNAMICS (system) database, then your Chart of Account structure might be different as in your production setup and this will cause GP to throw all kinds of messages... 

    When you recreate a TEST-DEV environment, you need to make sure to restore all the Databases, including the DYNAMICS (or your system DB, whatever the name is). 

    PS: you may have to force the GP client to resync the COA structure with your Database definition by setting the DEX.ini value to true (I believe it's called Initial=TRUE and Sychronize=TRUE)

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Receive get/change first operation on table 'GL_Options_TEMP' failed accessing SQL data

    Sometimes, the 'Number of results columns....' message can occur if the dex procedure being called (i.e. zDP_  ......) is setup to expect a structure from the table, in this case the GL70500 table, different than what is actually in the table, for one reason or another.

    That can happen if the table has been upgraded recently with new structure but the dex procs have not, and vice versa.

    You can drop and re-create the dex procs for the GL70500 table, within the SQL Maintenance window, within Dynamics GP.


  • Jason Yeung Profile Picture
    Jason Yeung 181 on at
    RE: Receive get/change first operation on table 'GL_Options_TEMP' failed accessing SQL data

    Hi Friedrich,

    Thanks. The server name would be different as I grabbed the report from a different server. Is there a way to check the password that this report uses (and change if necessary)? The rest of GP works, but it's just this report.



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