Hi Rosemary,
When an In Transit Transfer is in a Shipped Status (in the Via Site), the status on the transaction should be set to 4.
STATUS Values for ITT tables:
3-Partial Shipped
5-Partial Received
99-Locked record(damaged)
Based on this, I would start by verifying that the STATUS is 4 on each of the following tables. (Replacing XXXXX with your In Transit Transfer Number)
select STATUS,* from SVC00700 where ORDDOCID = 'XXXXX' -- Header Info
select STATUS,* from SVC00701 where ORDDOCID = 'XXXXX' -- Details
select STATUS,* from SVC00702 where ORDDOCID = 'XXXXX' -- Serial or Lot tracked info
If these are all set to 4, then I would see if maybe someone already selected it on a different receipt that is unposted. (Replacing XXXXX with your In Transit Transfer Number)
select * from POP10500 where POPTYPE = '8' and PONUMBER = 'XXXXX'
If you get a record in this table, note the POPRCTNM as this means that this in transit transfer is already selected to be received on that receipt number so that receipt would need to be deleted if it is not already posted if you want to receive it on a different receipt.
You could also check the inventory tables to see if it has already been posted to inventory or not. (Replacing XXXXX with your In Transit Transfer Number)
select * from IV10200 where PCHSRCTY = '8' and PORDNMBR = 'XXXXX'
If the statuses are jumbled or it's posted to Inventory but still available to receive against, then it may be best to open a support case so we can review the specific condition and make recommendations on a fix. If you are going to do any SQL updating on your own, please always do it in test first.
KB - Set up a test company that has a copy of live company data for Microsoft Dynamics GP by using Microsoft SQL Server
Isaac Olson
Microsoft Support