So I started my day and got through 2 bookings doing the time logs. Then I went to the next stop and got a message from Field Service Mobile App, and got a message on the main screen: "This entity is not enabled for offline access..." Then a message "0x8005f211 Offline: This operation failed because you're offline. Reconnect and try again."
Nothing was changed with the environment.
...but I am not offline. I get to the next stop and my phone is on the WiFi and Internet. Likewise I can tap the globe icon and then tap Update button and it updates successfully.
I spent last night troubleshooting and there was SOMETHING I did that sadly I didn't pay enough attention to remember but after that it started working again...It was something like Recreate or something (not reset). So I figured we're good.
I get on the road today and same dang thing.
Worse is that I can still go to my Bookings but when I tap one to change the Booking Status the dropdown listbox does not show any options other than the one that is currently set.