as continue with the previous thread
As Nikoloas said, the Sales order may conatin multiples invoices. So, which date i can consider to get Exchange rate?
Please give me more shed on this.
as continue with the previous thread
As Nikoloas said, the Sales order may conatin multiples invoices. So, which date i can consider to get Exchange rate?
Please give me more shed on this.
Hello @rp@n,
What's the business requirement for showing the FX rate in a report and what FX rate do you want to use?
(The historical one valid at the time of transaction, the FX rate as of the date you run the report because that would be the one you would use for translating customer balance amounts or the average FX rate of the last months because that would be the one you would use to translate your sales)?
Best regards,
Please still remember that you can have many invoices for one order. Therefore there can be many exchange rates for this order. If your report contains only one row per order, you can't show the exchange rate correctly in all situations.
And yes, if you want the exchange rate of the invoice, you must use the field in the invoice journal. That's the real exchange rate used on the invoice.
I think you should discuss with your customer and decide with them how to handle situations where there are many exchange rates associated with an order.
Actually my report may contain all sales order status. So, based on the sales order status I need to show the exchange rate in to FX-Rate column in report.
As you said, CustInvoiceJour already having field ExchRate. Can I show directly value from Custinvoicejour instead of calling Currency::exchrate() for specifically INVOICE order?
Kindly confirm
Hi @rp@n,
What is the purpose of your report? If it's the list if invoices, you need to take a look at exchange rate stored in CustInvocieJour.ExchRate field. Exchange rate for invoice can depend on date of invoice, or it can be also fixed in sales order. During the invoice posting exchage rate used for invoice will be stored in CustInvocieJour.ExchRate.
no actually, the title is something wrong. it's based on the sales order only
In the other discussion you said that you want "exchange rate for sales line". What does this mean? What is your business requirement?
What is this exchange rate used for?
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