I know in a previous version we were able to show a field "Last Modified By" on a page.
Can someone guide me on how to design this for the customer card for instance?
Thank you
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Hello TraciB,
Do Some changes:
Step 1:Add one field in customer table
Field No. Field Name Data Type Length Description
50000 Modified By Code 50
And set the property Editable = No
setp 2: write the code in OnModify and OnRename Trigger for populate Field Modified By
"Modified By" := USERID;
See the bellow screenshot.
Step 3: Add this field in customer Card and Customer list based on your requirements.
Agreed with Alexander.
You customization must look something like:
Hope it helps.
In standard version, there is a field "Last Date Modified" (Field 54) of Customer table. If this is not visible on the corresponding customer page, you can add it to the page through Development Environment.
If you are interested to learn who was the person that modified the card, you need either to use standard change log and setup it for modification of Customer table (this will not allow you to see the modifier on the card itself, but you at least can search in the log entries if you will have such a need); or, you can make a small modification and add a custom field and fill it with the user's ID by OnModify triggers.
I don't think we have Modified by we have Last Date Modified , to add modified by check this blog you can do the same for any table
please check if the field is already available in table
if yes then please add to page.
if not available then you need to add and write code for the same
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