I created a flow that is triggered when a division is created or updated.
If a division is created, the flow creates a new Business Unit and Team.
I then assign the new team a security role.
Yesterday, this was working for me but it no longer works. Here is what I have:
List all Security Roles and retrieve the Community Sales role using the following fetch:
<entity name="role" >
<condition attribute="name" operator="eq" value="Community Sales" />
<condition attribute="businessunitid" operator="eq" value="@{outputs('Get_Communities_Division')?['body/_businessunit_value']}" />
Once i have the security role, I relate the team with the security role. For some reason, the Odata for the Security Role is now NULL and the flow fails.
Like i said, this worked before but now it fails every time due to the Odata ID in "Get Security ID" being NULL.
When i download the output for the "get Security Role ID" I can see the Odata ID in the body.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!