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How LinkedIn Lead Gen Sync works

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We have LinkedIn Lead Gen integration with Dynamics instance but not understand how the Sync works, what times Sync happened and bring in the Lead Gen form submissions from LinkedIn. Can someone please help?

We would like to send a fulfilment email from Dynamics Marketing Customer Journey as soon as the LinkedIn Lead Gen form submitted, is that possible?


  • Tinklenberg123 Profile Picture
    Tinklenberg123 15 on at
    RE: How LinkedIn Lead Gen Sync works

    LinkedIn led gen offers users who, in its opinion, may be of interest to us. The selection is based on the analysis of our page – our place of work, position, region, and other indicators. As a result, we see a list of relevant contacts in the My Network section. But it's not worth chasing them. They are useful at the stage of development of a newly created account. In the first 10 days, they can be added so that LinkedIn records activity. But such contacts are practically useless for generating leads. After all, the social network has picked up people who are as similar to us as possible, they're not our potential customers.

  • SM - KPMG Profile Picture
    SM - KPMG 15 on at
    RE: How LinkedIn Lead Gen Sync works

    Thanks Nya.

    My question was to understand the Sync time of LinkedIn integration with Dynamics Marketing i.e. After how much time LinkedIn Lead Gen form submission happened on LinkedIn reflect in Dynamics Marketing?

    Our use case is to trigger a 'Inbound Customer Journey' as soon as someone completes the form on LinkedIn we want to send an email to the user. But we are experiencing the submissions come through with delay i.e. sync occurs at different time periods, which is stopping us from sending an email from journey.


  • Verified answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: How LinkedIn Lead Gen Sync works

    Hi SM - KPMG,

    Please refer to the following documentation to know how to enable the synchronization of lead data from LinkedIn to Dynamics 365 apps:

    Install Dynamics 365 Connector for LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms | Microsoft Docs

    And the following section is on how to trigger a Customer Journey with the submission.

    Use LinkedIn form submissions to trigger decision points in customer journeys

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