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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Consolidated Sales Order Pick List in Advanced Warehousing

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I have the same part being ordered on multiple sales orders from same customer and/or different customers. How can I create a consolidated pick list to improve the efficiency of my clients warehouse workers. We are using 2012 r3  advanced warehousing. Is there a specific setup in the location pick directives that will allow me consolidate items into a single pick. We would like to use a two step put process. The first put to sort the pick to the correct order the second put to ship the product. 

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  • Lionel07 Profile Picture
    Lionel07 493 on at
    RE: Consolidated Sales Order Pick List in Advanced Warehousing

    Hi rstephen, did you find a solution for your question? i have the same requierment but not sure how to achieve this. Please let me know.

  • dtyler Profile Picture
    dtyler on at
    RE: Consolidated Sales Order Pick List in Advanced Warehousing

    Possibly in advanced warehouse management  not in warehouse management 2 or vanilla warehouse managment 

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Consolidated Sales Order Pick List in Advanced Warehousing

    rstephen, did you find a solution to this? if so what was it?

  • rstephen Profile Picture
    rstephen 132 on at
    RE: Consolidated Sales Order Pick List in Advanced Warehousing

    Hi I have a similar requirement,

    The requirement is to just print multiple Pick list together in one report.

    Note: Warehouse Management is not used.

    Is there a way to achieve this?

  • dtyler Profile Picture
    dtyler on at
    RE: Consolidated Sales Order Pick List in Advanced Warehousing

    I'll give it a try manually. So far I've only been able to group by a single customer. 

  • Guy Terry Profile Picture
    Guy Terry 28,684 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Consolidated Sales Order Pick List in Advanced Warehousing

    Hi Donald,

    All of the items released on a single shipping Wave will naturally be grouped onto one Work Id (unless you have configuration to break it up). You could use the Wave template to allow shipments to be assigned to open waves, and set the Wave to not process at release to warehouse.

    As shipments are created, they can be assigned to the same wave. When the wave is processed manually, AX will create picking work for all the items in the Wave.

  • Suggested answer
    MWAT Profile Picture
    MWAT 955 on at
    RE: Consolidated Sales Order Pick List in Advanced Warehousing

    As far as I understand one work line cannot be related to many whsloadlines, which would be needed in order to have one pick of 10 instead of 10 picks of 1 each (even if the picks are on the same work).

    I agree with Paranjothi that cluster picking could be a good option to get only one pick.

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Consolidated Sales Order Pick List in Advanced Warehousing


    Why cannot you go with cluster picking ?

  • dtyler Profile Picture
    dtyler on at
    RE: Consolidated Sales Order Pick List in Advanced Warehousing

    Thanks for your response. My situation is I want to have a total number for the pick. If I have item "A" on 10 sales orders I would like to see 1 pick of 10 for item "A" . Currently I get a pick for each order, 10 pick documents.  In AX 2012 R2 there was some simple picking consolidation by customer in the shipping process. I can't find comparable functionality.  I have a staging step after the pick to sort to each sales order.

  • MWAT Profile Picture
    MWAT 955 on at
    RE: Consolidated Sales Order Pick List in Advanced Warehousing

    Hi Donald,

    Here are some thoughts about creating a Work template for your scenario:
    In the work template you click on the Edit Query button to define what criteria to apply to a specific work template. Under the sorting tab in the Query form you define what criteria used for sorting. The ciriteria selected in the sorting will then also be possible to do grouping on from the Work breaks button on the Work template.

    Perhaps you can setup such a work template that fits your criteria. Also, you could use a directive code to control this work template to only look at a particular put location directive that could be a specific location where you do sorting (which could be a location with the same profile ID as your packing location (if you use packing)).

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