We're having a specific issue with a client using outlook 2019, when the html is resolved by outlook 2019 duplicate images are being displayed. We've run checks on litmus and everything displays normal across all devices/OS could an external security software be manipulating code causing images to display twice?
The images referenced also have different names in the client html file.
Original code from dynamics marketing
the code the client received resolved html rows 23 & 26 show the image duplicated twice.
<img border="0" width="100%" id="x_x__x005f_x0000_i1049" src="">assets-gbr.mkt.dynamics.com/.../ef537dae-37b4-ed11-83fe-00224842585b alt="International Chemical & Product Tanker Conference">
<img border="0" width="600" height="85" id="x_x__x005f_x0000_i1048" src="">assets-gbr.mkt.dynamics.com/.../ef537dae-37b4-ed11-83fe-00224842585b style="height:.885in;width:6.25in" alt="International Chemical & Product Tanker Conference">
Its not a bespoke issue with just this image, its any image whether hosted on Dynamics or 3rd party URL referenced.