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Email client creating duplicate images when html is resolved

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We're having a specific issue with a client using outlook 2019, when the html is resolved by outlook 2019 duplicate images are being displayed. We've run checks on litmus and everything displays normal across all devices/OS could an external security software be manipulating code causing images to display twice?

The images referenced also have different names in the client html file.

Original code from dynamics marketing

Carl Schou Wilhelmsen Ship Management

"My best moment was when I made the decision to make a career out of shipping"

the code the client received resolved html rows 23 & 26 show the image duplicated twice.

International Chemical & Product Tanker Conference

<img border="0" width="100%" id="x_x__x005f_x0000_i1049" src=""> alt="International Chemical &amp; Product Tanker Conference">

<img border="0" width="600" height="85" id="x_x__x005f_x0000_i1048" src=""> style="height:.885in;width:6.25in" alt="International Chemical &amp; Product Tanker Conference">

Its not a bespoke issue with just this image, its any image whether hosted on Dynamics or 3rd party URL referenced. 



  • Data_1 Profile Picture
    Data_1 5 on at
    RE: Email client creating duplicate images when html is resolved

    Hi Eiken,

    Thank you for the reply. Yes the preview is fine and all Litmus previews show correctly no matter what version of outlook/OS/year we have selected. Unfortunately I don;t know which version of outlook 2019 the user has installed only that its a 2019 version.

  • Suggested answer
    Eiken Profile Picture
    Eiken on at
    RE: Email client creating duplicate images when html is resolved


    The code about the image is not parsed twice, the first src is in the <a> tag and exists as a hyperlink. The second src is in the <img> tag and displays the image.

    So, the reason about double images is the Css style, some css effect it resulting in not being able to tile inside the box model.

    Do your images display properly in the preview?

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