I am trying to trigger a survey in forms pro by using power automate.
When we create a new survey we can add context variables, that might be populated within Power Automate for Survey distribution. (E.g. First name, Last name, Employee job). One of the variables we are using, is “About_Whom” the survey is.
When invitation link (survey) is sent to the recipient, but hasn’t been responded yet., We’d like to see such records as a separate list on a SharePoint for tracking purposes.
We’ve almost achieved that, when we made a sync between SharePoint and Forms Pro Invite Entity in CDS. But the issue is that Forms Pro Invite Entity, as per our understanding, doesn’t store the context variables… But what is surprising, if you open the Survey invitation link or analyze the Survey response afterwards (FormsProSurveyResponse Entity with ContextData field), you can see the Context variables shown correctly. My questions is: How can we get the context variables, generated by Forms Pro Invitation, before the surveys is responded, but has already been sent?
Or, in another words, where the Forms Pro Invite stores context variables when invite has just been generated?