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Simple GDPR process

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Hey Guys,

hope everyone is doing great. I did some investigations and test runs with Dynamics 365 for Marketing beginning of last year but I'm really struggling getting something "easy" done. 

I want to create a customer journey for a really easy Double Opt In / GDPR process that looks like the following:

1. For new contacts
2. Send an email and ask them to click a button to consent to GDPR
3. Landing Page opens and the contact clicks a button to agree on GDPR
4. A confirmation email is being sent to the contact

This process now already keeps me busy for days.

I`m fine with the customer journey and I'm using a suppression segment to filter out contacts which - during the journey - agree to GDPR. But I'm having hard times getting the landing page and the confirmation done and dusted. So my questions are:

1. How can I set up a page that allows the user to just click a button which then should set a field of his related contact record to something?
2. How can I setup an email with a button that leads the user to that landing page and the landing page knows which recipient (aka contact) clicked that button?

That concept is somewhat hard to grasp for me. The Double Opt In / GDPR documentations are a bit overwhelming and - as it looks like - way to much than I need.

Thanks everyone for helping, even with pointing to some resources which I'm happy to read.

Best regards

  • Suggested answer
    Petit Hibou Profile Picture
    Petit Hibou on at
    RE: Simple GDPR process

    Hi Daniel,

    the process you've described looks quite similar to OOB DoI functionality. Are you familiar with that? What is lacking there to fit you goal?


    Or you need to gather customers' consents without regards to subscriptions? Can you please explain your business goal?



  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Simple GDPR process

    Hi Daniel,

    You could take my answer in this thread as reference:

    For your questions,

    1: You can hide input fields and change submit button value to "I agree", and use javascript to change "Agree to GDPR" field to "Yes".

    (run it at "afterFormLoad":

    2: As I answered in the thread, you need two forms and use form 1 to make recipient be a known contact by javascript function, then get saved value from recipient's browser cache to populate fields on form 2.

    Because the OOB known contact feature only works when recipient opens the subscripition center page via link in marketing email.



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