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Segments: Selection based on related Entity

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Hey Guys,

i have a usability issue with the segment Editor. We want to create a selection based on an a related entity hierarchy.

I hope this becomes clear if you look at the screenshot. When i select the first level entity, i move on the second level entity (which is related to the first one).

When i now click into the lookup field, i see every possible option not only the related entries. I cant swich the view to the "reletaed view". Does anyone now how to manipulate the lookups in the segment editor?


Best regards, Sven Lüdeke

  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Segments: Selection based on related Entity

    Hi Sven,

    Your guess is right, currently lookup view of segment builder is not supported to be customized.

    Please submit your thought to Ideas forum. 



  • Sluedeke Profile Picture
    Sluedeke 75 on at
    RE: Segments: Selection based on related Entity

    Hey Clofly,

    thank you for you answer. Related means the following:

    The view should only shows the entrys that are related to the first entity and so on. This whole thing is a 3-Hierarchy entity Structure were we store our selection criteria. For now we have to now each specifiation at the third level (Which can be a lot of criteria). It would be nicer to select the first level, then we can choose from the related entries from that and after that we can select from the third level and only see the items belong to each level.

    But i guess this isnt possible right now, so we have to build a work around and use canvas apps...

    Thanks and Best regards,


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Segments: Selection based on related Entity

    Hi Sven,

    As per my understanding, does "related entity" mean records that are owned by yourself?

    If so, we could click "Change View" and check "Only my records" to filter and show your own records.


    You could create a new view of that entity with custom filters to only show records that you want.

    However, please notice that we still need to switch to that view manually, because currently it is not supported to change the default view of those components such as segment builder, customer journey designer and marketing email/form/page designer.



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